Welcome to people finding us from the the Blossom Festival display at GeCo today! If you are interested in finding out more about us and what we do, why not come along to our next Canton Day? Held on Saturday 5th November, at Surges Bay oval, we will be getting together for a relaxed day of archery practice, BBQ lunch and socialising. Set up is between 11:30-12pm, and practice usually winds up around 3pm. We will be in garb, but don’t worry if you don’t have anything to wear – our Hospitaller will have something available if you want to get into the spirit of the thing.
Children are welcome to participate in archery from the age of about five (or when they are old enough to hold the bow safely and take direction from our archery Marshals).
To participate in the archery, all non-members, of any age, will need to pay a $5 insurance surcharge, which makes you members for the duration of the event and thus covered by our policy. If you want to come more regularly, a yearly SCA membership is $35 per adult, and any number of children can be added to an adult membership for free. A gold coin donation per adult towards the Canton’s expenses is also appreciated, but not required.
Archery is always subject to the vagaries of the weather, of course, so if it looks doubtful due to wind or rain, the best way to confirm whether or not it will be going ahead for the day is checking the Canton of Lightwood’s Facebook group, where any cancellation will be advised before 11am, or by calling the Captain of Archers.
For more information on archery in the Canton, please contact the Captain of Archers, Lord William de Bonnay (Terry Arnold), on (03) 6297 1083. For more information on the Canton, you can talk to our Hospitaller, Lady Morwenna de Bonnay (Jan Arnold), at hospitaller@lightwood.lochac.sca.org or (03) 6297 1083. We hope to see you at an event soon!