The SCA strives to be welcoming towards newcomers – most of us can remember the way it feels to walk up to our first event, and we hope to make everyone who comes along to one of our activities feel encouraged to come back. We also strive to make the SCA accessible – if you want to come along to a feast but don’t have garb or feasting gear, we can help you out, and if you enjoy your first event and want some advice or assistance on what to make or bring for your next one, we can help with that too.
Contacting the Hospitaller is the best place to start if you want to attend a garbed event – they can arrange to provide you with medieval clothing, and answer any questions you may have about attending.
We do have regular non-garbed meetings, for Arts and Sciences, business meetings, and archery. These are usually held weekly, and generally on Friday nights or Saturdays. Look at the calendar, or talk to the Hospitaller for more information.
The Canton maintains a very active Facebook group. If you want to get more of an idea of the kinds of things we do, that’s a good place to get to know us without worrying about whether you’re dressed correctly. It will also tend to have the most up-to-date information on our non-garbed meetings.
And if you’re a representative of a school or community group which is interested in learning more about medieval history or the SCA, or interested in having us put on a demonstration at a community event, please get in contact with our Seneschal to discuss the possibility.