The Canton was well-represented at the recent 9th Great Southern Gathering, held at Orana Scouts and Guides Camp, Roches Beach, from 29 September-2 October. Both Baroness Adelindis and the honourable Lord Karl Faustus von Aachen taught several classes across the weekend, and Nick and Tina of Lightwood and their family enriched the event with their living history encampment. Nick put on a demonstration of campfire cooking throughout the day, ultimately sharing his delicious goose stew and goose pastries (from their own homegrown and processed geese, to make the experience even more authentic) and home-brewed mead with the interested visitors. They also hosted a bardic circle around the fire on Saturday night.
The encampment was a thoroughly atmospheric addition to the collegia and tourneys of the weekend, and was thoroughly appreciated (particularly the bits involving geese and mead) by all its many visitors throughout the event.
All photos supplied by Tina Hale. Click to embiggen.