St Sebastian’s is coming!

Only one week remains until Lightwood’s annual archery extravaganza is upon us! Suspenseful shooting, fiendishly difficult targets, and delicious pies, what’s not to love? Book by 24th February to the stewards to make sure you get fed. To get in some last minute practice before the event, there is archery scheduled tomorrow at Surges Bay Recreation Ground – weather permitting, as ever. If it looks iffy, check the Facebook group or contact the Captain of Archers (6297 1083) to confirm.

Saturnalia: save the date

The Canton of Lightwood will be running our Roman-style celebration of the winter solstice on the 9th of June this year. More details to come closer to the date, but this year will be a cosy indoor event featuring games and merriment – and of course, food!

4th St Sebastian’s Archery Picnic

The Canton of Lightwood cordially invites you to join us for the fourth St Sebastians archery tournament and picnic. Enjoy a day of archery, including a couples shoot, and a pot luck lunch. Following the success of last year’s extremely popular (and delicious) A&S competition, we will be running the same competition this year. Make your favourite pie (or two!), bring it along to be judged, and then let the crowd decide whether they agree with the judges’ vote. Documentation appreciated, but not required. Last year’s winning entry, by Lady Heloise de Bonnay Member: $5. Non-member: $10 Steward: Morwenna & …

Geeveston Christmas Pageant

UPDATE: Due to poor drainage and construction work in Heritage Park, the route has now changed. Assembly point for participants is at the intersection of School Road and the highway (at the big log), and the parade will follow the usual route but then continue along Arve Road and turn back up School Road, to end at the Fire Station for carols, etc. Lightwood’s last outing for the year will be our annual contingent in the Geeveston Christmas Pageant. This year we don’t have a float, but will be walking in garb and with banners. Meet at 6pm at the …

Lightwood’s Sixth Birthday

Lightwood celebrated our sixth birthday with a lovely, relaxed archery tourney and potluck picnic on November 25th. The weather blessed us with a perfectly-timed break between unpleasantly hot and windy and thunderstorms, which meant that we had just the right conditions for the event and the heavens opened as everyone had finished packing up and was leaving site. The winners of the archery tourney were THL William de Bonnay (first), Lady Jennifer Dragoner de Lille (second) and Lady Morwenna de Bonnay (third). Huzzah! Thanks go to Lady Mariot de Bonnay who stewarded the event, Lady Helewyse de Bonnay for providing …

November dates: Canton Day and 6th Birthday picnic

Lots happening in the Canton in November! Canton Day is Saturday the 4th, and our 6th birthday celebration will be held on Saturday 25th. In between, many of us will also be attending the Kingdom of Lochac’s November Crown Tournament, which is being hosted by the Barony of Ynys Fawr in the lands of our fair Canton, on 11-12 November. Canton Day For a bit of a change, and because we’re also holding an archery picnic later in the month, Canton Day this month will be a garbed potluck picnic on the Franklin Foreshore. 11:30-1:30, newcomers very welcome. You don’t …

Living History at Great Southern Gathering

The Canton was well-represented at the recent 9th Great Southern Gathering, held at Orana Scouts and Guides Camp, Roches Beach, from  29 September-2 October. Both Baroness Adelindis and the honourable Lord Karl Faustus von Aachen taught several classes across the weekend, and Nick and Tina of Lightwood and their family enriched the event with their living history encampment. Nick put on a demonstration of campfire cooking throughout the day, ultimately sharing his delicious goose stew and goose pastries (from their own homegrown and processed geese, to make the experience even more authentic) and home-brewed mead with the interested visitors. They …

Royal Event Etiquette discussion

In the lead-up to November Crown Tourney, hosted by the Barony, the Canton is holding a potluck dinner and discussion on the etiquette pertaining to a Royal event. Anyone who is interested in learning more about what to expect at a Kingdom event is welcome to attend. This will be held at our usual venue, GeCo, on 7th October, from 7pm, and will be facilitated by Countess Beatrice Maria Malatesta and Sir Guillaume d’Oze. We thank these gentles for their time, and look forward to a productive and enjoyable discussion.   Details: When: October 7th, 7pm Where: Geeveston Community Centre, …