Arts and Sciences Competition – Winter

After the success of the competition held at our Harvest Feast, the Canton is running our second A&S competition on a seasonal theme. The theme is Winter, in any medium, and it will be judged at the Tournament of St Victor, to be held on August 23rd at Surges Bay. Documentation is strongly encouraged: information on how to approach research and documentation can be found here. Entries from people who are unable to attend the event are still welcome, please contact me on to organise. And congratulations to Mairead de Vere (mka Kelfae Flowers) for her stunning entry which …

Spring Into Spring

The Spring Festival is today, and the canton of Lightwood will be wandering about in the sunshine, telling people about the strange alternate world they’re living in without even noticing it…

Pot Luck Feast and Tourney

If you’ve been following the Lightwood Facebook Group, you may already know about the upcoming Tournament and Feast on Saturday the 24th of August. For experienced SCAers it’s all familiar territory, but what if you’re a newcomer who’s just wandered in and you want to know what’s going on? I’m glad you asked!

Changes for Winter

The timing for some of the Canton’s regular activities have changed over winter. Fighter training is no longer being held in Huonville on Wednesday evenings. Instead, Canton Marshal Sir Guillaume d’Oze is running a fortnightly beginner fighter’s course at Geeveston Community Centre, after the Imots. Imot times have been brought forward an hour to accommodate this and are now 12-3pm, with fighter training 3-5pm. Archery continues on alternate fortnights at Surges Bay, from 12-3pm, depending on weather. The Barony of Ynys Fawr also has fighter training and archery every Sunday at Cambridge, and a lot of our locals head up …

New Activities in 2013

The Canton of Lightwood has added a couple of regular activities to the calendar in 2013. Regular fighter training, run by canton marshal Sir Guillaume d’Oze, is now held every Wednesday at 5:30 in Rotary Park, Huonville. Sir Guillaume has been offering instruction in rapier and heavy fighting to several members. But if fighting isn’t your Thing, it’s also an excellent social opportunity to bring along projects, have a chat, and some weeks, share a meal in the BBQ shelter. Training is usually mundane clothes, but for a bit of extra visibility we will occasionally be appearing en masse in …

That Was The Feast That Was

Lightwood had its November pot luck feast last night, and it was a lot of fun. We were missing a fair few canton members, after a nasty run of bad news and unexpected medical procedures during the week, but our numbers were supplemented somewhat by the College of St Gildas the Wise. This was a deliberate attempt at what you might call a “lightning feast”: small scale, short notice, nothing too ambitious, just to prove that we don’t need to kill ourselves to have events. As you can see from the photo, it still looked good. It was also a …

How To Attend A Pot-Luck Feast

For a lot of Lightwoodians, the pot-luck feast next weekend is going to be the first actual SCA event they’ll attend.  We’ve had our imots for a while, but they’re more for discussion and planning; if an SCA event is a movie, an imot is the a review in a newspaper.  Now it’s time for the main event… so what do you need to know? What To Bring For any SCA event you need garb and feasting gear.  For pot-luck events, you also need some food to share.  And because this particular feast is at the home of the canton’s …

Money Money Money

The changes to Australia’s insurance laws over the last little while have finally started biting us in the SCA in a special way, and one of the results is… a sharp increase in the number of members! How did that happen? It’s very simple. The SCA in Australia has a new contract with its insurers, Nosferatu Bathory Dracula and Associates. Under the rules, signed in a suspiciously reddish-coloured ink on the contract, we have to remit five dollars to the insurer for every non-member who attends an SCA event. By “non-member”, they mean anyone, regardless of age. A pregnant woman …


The canton put in a bid to run the baronial investiture on the weekend of 20-21 October, and we got it! So now we’re doing the headless chook dance and organising everything. We are very lucky indeed to have no less a personage than Sir Oz, officially Sir Guillaume d’Oze, Ynys Fawr’s only (actively playing) member of the chivalry, on board as tourney steward and adviser to the cooks. We also have the support of the whole barony and a couple of really lovely venues for the event. Read all about it on the Baronial Investiture pages!


We had a productive and entertaining Imot this weekend. Adelindis brought in the planned menu for the Baronial Investiture, for which we are submitting a proposal. Work continued on couching the Baronial banner, and Morwenna worked on the newer project of making bunting in the Canton’s colours for adding colour and visibility to future tourneys and events. Libby finished sewing over the lines of a tic tac toe board, which the children promptly co-opted and lay on the floor playing. Adelindis brought in her copy of Joan Sutton (mka India Ollerenshaw)’s book on medieval toys and games, which inspired the …